Monday, August 01, 2005

Candy Thorne, Darcy Wilts, Chevelle Bolton. Submitted by Candy. Posted by Picasa

back row: Lisa Berger, Jay Justin, Darcy Wilts, Mike Gerischer, Howard Miller, Jean Darbyshire, Pete Svebakken, Cindy Puck, Bill Fair, Sally Turner; front: Steve Alter, and Candy Thorne. Submitted by Candy. Posted by Picasa

clockwise from top left: Brigid Platter, Adrianne Mahler, Darcy Wilts, Candy Thorne, Kim Crone. Submitted by Candy Thorne. Posted by Picasa

Kelli Ruge, Yvonne Delveau, Andrea Cliff. Submitted by Candy Thorne. Posted by Picasa

Candy Thorne and Kelli Ruge. Submitted by Candy Posted by Picasa

Candy Thorne and Andrea Cliff. Submitted by Candy Posted by Picasa

Lisa Wulf and Candy Thorne. Submitted by Candy Posted by Picasa

Lisa Wulf and Deanna Cook. Submitted by Candy Thorne Posted by Picasa

Candy Thorne, Lisa Wulf, Deanna Cook. Submitted by Candy Thorne. Posted by Picasa

Chris E with a bunch of drunks. U of Iowa, Burge Hall. Submitted by Candy Thorne. Posted by Picasa